Análisis del rendimiento fisiológico y energético en alumnado de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria durante las clases de Educación Física

  1. Villaverde-Gutiérrez, C. 1
  2. Mohamed-Mohamed, K.
  3. Ramírez-Rodrigo, J. 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Granada

    Universidad de Granada

    Granada, España


Trances: Transmisión del conocimiento educativo y de la salud

ISSN: 1989-6247

Year of publication: 2017

Volume: 9

Issue: 5

Pages: 843-858

Type: Article

More publications in: Trances: Transmisión del conocimiento educativo y de la salud

Sustainable development goals


This study analyses the physiological and energetic performance in students of Compulsory Secondary Education (CSE) during the classes of Physical Education (PE). The sample was composed by the whole of the students of the I.E.S. Albayzín of Granada (Spain); 148 teenagers of ages comprised between the 12 and 16 years (m = 14,56; sd = 1,68). The research follows a descriptive model correlational (Bisquera, 2000) with design no experimental (GutiérrezDávila & Oña, 2005). The variables of the study are: sex, age-cycles, sportive practice and/or physical activity (SPPA), body mass index (BMI), heart rate average (HRa), number of steps (NS) and energetic expense (EE). The instruments used for the register and the measurement of the variables are Heart Rate Monitors, SenseWear Armbands and Tallímetro SECA-220. The research carried out in three phases; a first phase of contact with the centre and the students, a second phase to develop the work of field, and a third phase for the storage of data and his statistical treatment with the computer package SPSS 18.0. The results indicated significant differences when comparing cycles, sex and SPPA in BMI, HRa, NP and EE, as well as to the correlation age, BMI, HRa, NP and EE. In basis to these results, ascertains that in a centre of CSE like the analysed, the tendency of the physiological and energetic performance, in the classes of PE, is preferably of aerobic type, what results coherent with the aim of the healthy physical activity (WHO, 2010).