Limitaciones del contractualismo y dimensión transnacional de los derechos humanos

  1. Manuel Salguero Salguero
IUS : revista del Instituto de Ciencias Jurídicas de Puebla

ISSN: 1870-2147

Ano de publicación: 2011

Título do exemplar: Estado constitucional, derecho internacional y derechos humanos

Número: 28

Páxinas: 39-67

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: IUS : revista del Instituto de Ciencias Jurídicas de Puebla


This paper tries to justify that in the same way the strict model of classical contractualism, more precisely Rawlsian conception, moves away from reciprocal profit standar and aproximate equality in resources and power, so the named model introduces demands such as natural duties, linked to human rights in a transnational perspective. Once these classical tradition factors are examined, a research is made about the advance and withdrawal on Rawlsian proposal concerning The law of people. In order to overcome these limitations as well as the existing deficiencies with respect to the effective realization of human rights in a global justice context, proposals of several authors are considered. These positions are built starting from the viewpoint of human beings conceived as moral agents and the cosmopolitan perspective oh human rights.

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