La publicación en Linked Data de registros bibliográficosmodelo e implementación
ISSN: 0210-0614, 1988-4621
Year of publication: 2018
Volume: 41
Issue: 4
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista española de documentación científica
Libraries are closely related to Linked Data (LD) due to the high level of structuring of their data, although the projects related to it are elaborated mainly by large libraries. In the present work, the state of the question has been determined, analyzing some of the referring projects, life cycles and tools that intervene during the process, establishing a methodology and carrying out its full implementation, converting bibliographic records into Linked Data, enriching them by means of other data sets and making them available to everyone. In this way, a case study has been carried out using a set of bibliographic records from the library of the University of Granada in order to know, firsthand, some of the problems that can be found by any Information Unit that wishes to convert its records to LD without having to change their library automation system.
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