Abriendo la caja negra del conocimiento jurídicoElementos para una reconstrucción de las decisiones judiciales

  1. Josefa Dolores Ruiz Resa
El Genio Maligno: revista de humanidades y ciencias sociales

ISSN: 1988-3927

Year of publication: 2016

Issue Title: Espejos

Issue: 19

Type: Article

More publications in: El Genio Maligno: revista de humanidades y ciencias sociales


The modern rational thought has considered that the interpretation and application of law in order to resolve cases are rational operations. However, if we consider the type of activities that takes place in everyday court practices and the rules governing them, we come to the conclusion that this is not a rational process such as assumed. But if we try to offer guidelines to make the court decision more rational, we need to know to what extent it is not now. Since the mid-twentieth century it is possible to count on new methodologies that have emerged after the criticism of the modern theory of knowledge, which had placed it into an ivory tower, forgetting the influences of social and natural environment on the individual that knows. These other methodologies pay attention to how some type of mental operations is carried out or how certain types of decisions are adopted, which usually is unnoticed. They intend to reveal, ultimately, the black box of knowledge. This article aims to show their possible utilization in understanding the black box of knowledge behind the court decision that solves the case.

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