Systematic review of the relationship of healthy life habits in childhood and adolescence and its influence on health

  1. Salvador Pérez, Federico
  2. Muros Molina, José Joaquín
  3. Gámiz Sánchez, Vanesa
  4. Zurita Ortega, Félix
Education, Sport, Health and Physical Activity (ESHPA): International Journal

ISSN: 2603-6789

Année de publication: 2019

Volumen: 3

Número: 2

Pages: 307-323

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Education, Sport, Health and Physical Activity (ESHPA): International Journal


Starting from the consideration of health as a dynamic but at the same time positive balance of the person in relation to their own wellbeing and caused by the interaction with the environment, we address the factors that have greater influence on the health of people relating them at the same time with healthy life habits. Nowadays, these habits are closely linked to the awareness in the way of providing tools that facilitate acquiring healthy habits and dispensing with those that are not. There is a research that confirm that the feeding context, the way of being transported in an active way or the characteristics of the environment surrounding the individuals are presented as a very important agent that defines diet, the practice of physical activity or body composition in childhood and adolescence. Currently, campaigns promoting healthy lifestyles are being promoted in different areas to reverse the unfavorable situation, with an emphasis on this stage that will mark the future of the health of the next adults.

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