Análisis estadístico de las dataciones radiocarbónicas de la Motilla del Azuer (Daimiel, Ciudad Real)

  1. Molina, Fernando
  2. Cámara, Juan Antonio
  3. Afonso, José A.
  4. Spaneda, Liliana
Cuadernos de Prehistoria y Arqueología de la Universidad de Granada

ISSN: 2659-9295 2174-8063

Year of publication: 2019

Issue Title: El hueso trabajado en escena

Issue: 29

Pages: 309-351

Type: Article

DOI: 10.30827/CPAG.V29I0.9780 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Cuadernos de Prehistoria y Arqueología de la Universidad de Granada


Among the 80 radiocarbon dates available for Motilla del Azuer site, the 70 datings included in this work come mostly from short life plant samples and human and faunal remains. It is intended to perform various statistical studies on the aforementioned dates as Sum of probabilities and Bayesian analyzes (using Calib, BCal and OxCal software), in order to better define the occupation sequence of the site and obtain a more detailed chronological framework for environmental and socioeconomic changes that took place during the occupation of the settlement. The results show a first and episodic Chalcolitic occupation in the site, separated from the foundation of the Bronze Age fortification by a well-defined hiatus. The occupation of the Motilla del Azuer from the Early Bronze Age to an advanced time of the Late Bronze Age is continuous and is marked by several phases of reconstruction and expansion of the fortification that also affect the well and hydraulic structures located in the eastern courtyard of the fortified enclosure. From the analysis of these data it is clear that the published periodization for Motilla del Azuer site is valid and shows, within a framework of progressive and strong social hierarchy, that the succession of different climatic episodes was a crucial factor in the development of a specific settlement system in La Mancha during the Bronze Age.

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