Integración escolar de un alumno chino: estudio de caso
- Dimitrinka Níkleva 1
- Noelia Reche Gómez 1
Universidad de Granada
ISSN: 2254-5883
Year of publication: 2020
Volume: 9
Pages: 21-51
Type: Article
More publications in: ReiDoCrea: Revista electrónica de investigación y docencia creativa
The arrival of foreign students in Spanish schools is a growing phenomenon which increases every day, taking this into account the Spanish educational system must realize that this requires special consideration and action on their behalf. The objective of the study was to revise the incorporation process of foreign students inside the classroom and learn about the procedures that are being put into practise in each situation. In this case, the study gave the necessary information to enable us to learn about how the teachers of the educational centre carried out their profession when faced with these situations. In this study we named three of the programmes that the Andalusian council offers, although with the study chosen the most specialized for help inside the language classroom is, ‘el Aula Temporal de Adaptación Lingüística’ (ATAL). The objective of this study is to allow for a total social and academic integration. The teaching of Spanish as a language that acts as an intermediary will be the starting point to enable the children to learn further curricular areas in both spoken and written form. The results of this study confirmed the lack of awareness on the teachers’ behalf surrounding the programmes mentioned, also the high level of integration of the student inside the educational centre. In addition, suggestions were put forward to be set in place to enable the student to reach their highest level of integration possible.
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