Movimientos de ladera y factores determinantes en la vertiente septentrional de la depresión de Granada (sector Colomera- Zagra)

  1. S. Boussouf 12
  2. C. Irigaray 2
  3. J. Chacón 2
  1. 1 Abdelmalek Essaâdi University

    Abdelmalek Essaâdi University

    Tetuán, Marruecos


  2. 2 Universidad de Granada

    Universidad de Granada

    Granada, España


Revista de la Sociedad Geológica de España

ISSN: 0214-2708

Year of publication: 1994

Volume: 7

Issue: 3-4

Pages: 251-260

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista de la Sociedad Geológica de España

Sustainable development goals


An inventory of 281 slope movements observed in the marly clays and carbonatic deposit of the Subbetic Domain of the Betic Cordillera is presented and the relationships between the distribution of rupture zones, slope angle, lithologies and slope exposure analyzed. The observed movements are mainly earth flows and also, in minor proportion, rokfalls and slides. The marly clays show high plasticity and swell properties. Spearman coefficients of correlation of the slope ruptures to the slope angles of 0,929 for rockfalls and slides and only 0,233 for earthflows, 0,667 to slope exposure and 0,7 to the lithologies has been estimated.