La impugnación en la jurisdicción contencioso-administrativa de providencias irregulares que debieron ser auto

  1. 1 Universidad de Granada

    Universidad de Granada

    Granada, España


Revista española de derecho administrativo

ISSN: 0210-8461

Year of publication: 2020

Issue: 203

Pages: 217-248

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista española de derecho administrativo


The challenge of interlocutory court orders (providencias) is made through the internal appeal (recurso de reposición) in accordance with the provisions of article 79 of Law 29/1998, of July 13, governing the Contentious-Administrative Jurisdiction (UUCAU). It is not admissible the appeal or the appeal in cassation against interlocutory court orders (providencias), given that these two types of appeals are reserved for the challenge of court orders (autos) and judgments (sentencias) that meet certain requirements provided in the UCA. However, despite the words of the UCA, the appeal must be admitted against interlocutory court orders (providencias) that should have taken the form of a court order (auto), in the cases in which those court orders (autos) could have been appealed according to article 80 of the UCA. Likewise, the appeal of cassation must be admitted against interlocutory court orders (providencias) that should have taken the form of a court order (auto), when these court orders would have been subsumed under any of the circumstances of Artic1e 87 of the UCA with the concurrence of the cassational interest. The purpose of this study is to explain the reasons why the appeal and the cassation appeal should be admitted against those irregular interlocutory court orders (providencias) that should have taken the form of court orders (autos).

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