Primeros resultados acerca de la interacción entre aguas subterráneas y superficiales en La Charca de Suárez (Granada)
- Ángela M. Blanco-Coronas 1
- Manuel López-Chicano 1
- María Luisa Calvache 1
- José Benavente 1
- Carlos Duque 2
- 1 Departamento de Geodinámica. Facultad de Ciencias. Universidad de Granada
- 2 WATEC. Department of Geoscience. Aarhus University, Denmark
ISSN: 0213-683X
Year of publication: 2020
Issue: 67
Pages: 79-82
Type: Article
More publications in: Geogaceta
The Charca de Suárez Nature Reserve is a coastal wetland lo-cated in the south of Spain. The wetland complex is composed of 8 lakes in a lowland area of the Motril-Salobreña aquifer, where the watertable is near to the surface topography. The hydrodynamic of this system was analyzed in 4 of the 8 lagoons based on water table elevation, seepage meter measurements, surficial flow and clima-tic conditions. The results showed differences in the interaction with groundwater for each of the lakes conforming the wetland. Also, seasonal and event related changes can be observed, which indica-tes the necessity of continuous measurements in the wetland.