Peculiaridades de las mineralizaciones de la mina San Juan (Los Jarales, Carratraca) en el contexto de los depósitos de Cr-Ni de los macizos ultramáficos Bético-Rifeños

  1. Fernando Gervilla Linares
  2. Purificación Fenoll Hach-Alí
  3. José Torres Ruiz
  4. Marc Leblanc
Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Mineralogía

ISSN: 0210-6558

Ano de publicación: 1990

Volume: 13

Número: 0

Páxinas: 209-223

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Mineralogía


The San Juan Mine is enclosed in highly tectonized and serpentinized peridotites which show mineralogical features corresponding to the Ariegite subfacies of the spinel-lherzolite facies. The main mineral association include chromite, Ni- arsenides, cordierite and minor pyroxene, and displays the following mineralogical and textural features : a) there is clinopyroxene instead of orthopyroxene; b) high arsenide/chromite ratio with a high relative proportion of maucherite; c) highest Au and Platinum-Group elements contents; d) cordierite is plastically deformed and it is associated with plagioclase and phlogopite which show granoblastic and poikylitic textures with inclusions of cordierite and/or chromite; e) the chromite occurs as poligonal aggregates (sometimes made up of corroded grains) or as isolated skeletal crystals; the latter show a higher Cr content and a positive correlation between their Cr/ R3+ and the Na content of the coexisting plagioclase. Note that these features are partly different from the other Cr-Ni mineralizations in the Serrania de Ronda. The deformational mechanism mixed the former chromite-Ni arsenide ores with the residual liquids leading to a plagioclase crystallization either on the previous mineral assemblage or as late discordant veins fillings. These aluminous liquids partly disolved the cromite crystals and the new Cr-bearing liquid gave rise to a later crystallization of the skeletal chromites coeval with plagioclase.