La reincidencia penitenciaria en Españagénero, factores asociados y prevención

  1. Añaños, Fanny T. 1
  2. Nistal, Javier 2
  3. Moles, Elisabet 1
  1. 1 Departamento de Pedagogía, Universidad de Granada
  2. 2 Secretaría General de Instituciones Penitenciarias
Psychology, Society & Education

ISSN: 1989-709X 2171-2085

Year of publication: 2021

Volume: 13

Issue: 2

Pages: 1-10

Type: Article

DOI: 10.25115/PSYE.V13I2.3489 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

More publications in: Psychology, Society & Education


Research on recidivism and its prevention becomes relevant, not only because there are few studies in Spain, let alone with a gender perspective, but because it calls into question the rehabilitator and reinsertative principle that meets the prisonenvironment. The purpose of the work is to analyze the traits and factors of women's prison recidivism in open-middle sentence and perceptions of crime. Research was conducted on a valid sample of 310 women (30.1% of the total population), who were surveyed with a mixed questionnaire. The analyses and methods used have been quantitative and qualitative (content analysis, descriptive, contingency tables and Chi-square test tests). The results show that 24.8% is repeat offender, there is a relationship with the variables of: pre-prison background, age of first income, number of income, prison time, type of crime and motive for crime; however, there is no relation to the perception of the crime. The knowledge and deepening of the topic will allow to know the central aspects and factors associated with criminal recidivism with a gender perspective, in order to finalize proposals for social policies and social-educational intervention of prison oriented to the prevention and better reintegration of the collective.

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