Análisis y validación de un Test para medir Valores (TVA_ Adaptado)

  1. Gracia González-Gijón
  2. Enrique Gervilla Castillo
  3. Nazaret Martínez Heredia
  4. Andrés Soriano Díaz
Pedagogía social: revista interuniversitaria

ISSN: 1139-1723

Ano de publicación: 2021

Número: 38

Páxinas: 119-136

Tipo: Artigo

DOI: 10.7179/PSRI_2021.38.08 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

Outras publicacións en: Pedagogía social: revista interuniversitaria


The objective of this article is to review and adapt an instrument created to know the hierarchy of values in young people from 11 categories that include the integrity of the dimensions of the person. The process consisted of content validation through expert judgment with the critical analysis of each item and the degree of agreement between judges using the Kendall W Coefficient of Concordance and construction validation through factor analysis. Finally, the internal consistency of the items was measured using the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient. The selected sample is 651 young people selected through random cluster sampling. The results indicated indicative values of agreement between the expert judges, the differentiation of the 11 dimensions that coincide with those proposed in the theoretical construct, and high levels of tension in each of the dimensions. The psychometric study has resulted in the definitive version of the instrument.The aim of this article is to revise and adapt an instrument created to find out the hi-erarchy of values in young people based on 11 categories that include the integrity of the dimensions of the person (bodily, intellectual, affective, individual, moral, aesthetic, social, political, ecological, instrumental and religious). This work was based on the need to revise the vocabulary that formed part of the test items in its previous version, in order to update its words and adapt them to the way they are used today. The process consisted of content validation through expert judgement, with qualitative analysis of each item, the study of the mean, standard deviation and the degree of agreement between judges using Kendall’s W coefficient of concordance. The construct validation was carried out by means of exploratory factor analysis. Finally, the internal consistency of the items was measured using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient. The data-producing sample consisted of 651 young people selected through random cluster sampling in all the Faculties of Education Sciences of the public universities of Andalusia. The results show indicative values of agreement between the expert judges, the differentiation of the 11 dimensions that coincide with those proposed in the theoretical construct and high levels of reliability in each of the dimensions. The final result of the study was the definitive version of the instrument

Información de financiamento

Agradecemos su participaci?n en el proceso de revisi?n y adaptaci?n del Test de Valores Adaptado a los siguientes miembros del Grupo de investigaci?n HUM-580: Dra. Pilar Casares Garc?a, Dra. Socorro Entrena Jim?nez, Dr. Francisco Javier Jim?nez R?os, Dra. Teresa Lara Moreno y Dr. Marcos Santos G?mez.


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