Cuentas individuales vs cuentas consolidadas: efectos sobre la sostenibilidad financieraUna aplicación al sector administrativo de la Junta de Andalucía

Revista española de control externo

ISSN: 1575-1333

Year of publication: 2021

Issue Title: Sostenibilidad

Volume: 23

Issue: 67

Pages: 58-81

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista española de control externo


The current public management model is the result of a decentralization process of public services that has resulted in a complex organizational structure of the Public Sector. Moreover, it has caused a fragmentation of public entities information. Thus, the economic-financial information provided by the main entity does not offer a global vision of the economic activities that it carries out, directly and indirectly, in the provision of public services. At the same time, the measurement and control of financial sustainability is a necessary requirement to ensure the financial health of public organizations. Given that there is empirical evidence that links decentralization with the increase in debt, causing that, in reality, budgetary discipline is not complied with, the preparation of consolidated accounts in the public sector should already be a generalized fact in Spain In order to support this requirement, this paper compares the image that individual versus consolidated accounts would offer on the solvency of a public administration. To do this, after obtaining the consolidated information from the administrative public sector of the Junta de Andalucía, a set of financial indicators has been applied to the data of the dominant entity and to the consolidated data. Although no major differences have been found, as the study has focused on the administrative sector, the results allow advancing the differences that it could appear when considering the whole of Junta de Andalucía public sector.

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