Estimation and hypothesis test for parameters of binary diagnostic tests

  1. Sidaty Regad, Saad Bouh
Dirigida por:
  1. José A. Roldán Nofuentes Director

Universidad de defensa: Universidad de Granada

Fecha de defensa: 15 de diciembre de 2020

  1. Ana María Aguilera del Pino Presidenta
  2. Manuel Escabias Machuca Secretario
  3. Purificación Vicente Galindo Vocal
  4. José Luis Vicente Villardón Vocal
  5. María Álvarez Hernández Vocal

Tipo: Tesis


The likelihood ratios of a binary diagnostic test are very widely used parameters to compare the effectiveness of two binary diagnostic tests, as they are technically equivalent to a relative risk. This Doctoral Thesis proposes new confidence intervals to compare the positive (negative) likelihood ratios of two binary diagnostic tests subject to a paired design, analysing the problem both from a frequentist perspective and a Bayesian one. The simulation experiments carried out to compare the asymptotic behaviour of the confidence intervals have allowed us to give some general rules of application for the intervals studied. Furthermore, a method is proposed to calculate the sample size to compare the positive (negative) likelihood ratios of two binary diagnostic tests through a confidence interval.