La máquina de narrar o el poder de la ficción en la narrativa de Ricardo Piglia

  1. Galiano Jiménez, María
Dirigida por:
  1. Ángel Esteban del Campo Director

Universidad de defensa: Universidad de Granada

Fecha de defensa: 21 de mayo de 2021

  1. José Manuel Camacho Delgado Presidente/a
  2. Virginia Capote Díaz Secretaria
  3. Ana Gallego Cuiñas Vocal
  4. Eduardo Becerra Vocal
  5. Daniel Mesa Gancedo Vocal

Tipo: Tesis


This thesis revolves around the work of the Argentine Ricardo Piglia and the social and political function that he gives to literature as a performative and revolutionary discourse nowadays. The work presents a theoretical approach to the author through the critical corpus and then offers a textual analysis based on the study of marginal characters and of sexuality and gender role as manifestations of otherness that have an impact on his perspective of subversion and social resistance towards economic and power discourses that are given in his last three novels: Plata quemada, Blanco nocturno y El camino de Ida. Therefore, this thesis aims to unravel Piglia's literary and political project through the elements that make up Piglia's narrative machine in relation to his ideological and time context positioning, together with his literary proposal through a brief review of the detective genre. To put it briefly, the analysis of social discourses in his narrative aims to subvert the parameters of literature and society to turn fiction into an effective instrument capable of reading and anticipating future state discourses.