Estudio icnológico en un bien de interés culturalEl yacimiento El Hoyo (El Castellar, Teruel, España)

  1. L. Alcalá
  2. F.J. Rodríguez-Tovar
  3. Cobos Periáñez, Alberto
Actas de las XXXII Jornadas de la Sociedad Española de Paleontología
  1. Meléndez Hevia, Guillermo (dir.)
  2. Núñez, Alizia (dir.)
  3. Tomás, Marta (dir.)

Publisher: Instituto Geológico y Minero de España

ISBN: 978-84-9138-016-0

Year of publication: 2016

Pages: 315-319

Congress: Sociedad Española de Paleontología. Jornadas (32. 2016. null)

Type: Conference paper


Teruel province has thirteen dinosaur tracksites declared as Asset of Cultural Interest. El Hoyo site (municipality of El Castellar) is the only one which lies in the Sandstones of Camarillas Formation (Barremian). It is located in the Peñagolosa sub-basin (Maestrazgo Basin). However, its scientific importance stems not only from the three preserved trackways of theropod (one of which has been cast for preservation and dissemination), but also by the presence of a macroinvertebrate ichnofabric composed almost exclusively by abundant traces of the ichnogenus Taenidium. A transitional zone between terrestrial and nonmarine aquatic environments, floodplain areas adjacent to rivers affected by low energy, corresponds to the El Hoyo site.