Lagunas glaciaresPatrimonio geomorfológico sobresaliente del Parque Nacional de Sierra Nevada
- I. Carcavilla (coord.)
- J. Duque Macías (coord.)
- J. Giménez (coord.)
- A. Hilario (coord.)
- M. Monge Ganuzas (coord.)
- J. Vegas (coord.)
- A. Rodríguez (coord.)
Publisher: Instituto Geológico y Minero de España
ISBN: 978-84-9138-032-0
Year of publication: 2017
Pages: 119-124
Type: Book chapter
The outstanding role of the glacial morphologies, and more specifically the mountain lakes, is highlighted in the geological context of the Sierra Nevada National Park (provinces of Granada and Almería). Other heritage values (paleontological, mineralogical, tectonic, stratigraphic, etc.) have less prominence in this Mediterranean high-mountain massif. Faced with this, studies and bibliographic references on the lakes are relatively scarce. In that sense, its complete inventory was carried out 10 years after the declaration of the National Park (1999). It includes 74 of these enclaves, most distinguished with maximum protection as reserve areas within the protected space. There is a need to provide geological interpretation materials for the thousands of visitors who do trekking by the lakes every summer