Empredimiento en espacios rurales diversos. Resultados de los proyectos leader implementados y fallidos en Andalucía

  1. Cejudo García, Eugenio 1
  2. Navarro Valverde, Francisco Antonio 1
  3. Maroto Martos, Juan Carlos 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Granada

    Universidad de Granada

    Granada, España

    ROR https://ror.org/04njjy449

Espacios rurales y retos demográficos: una mirada desde los territorios de la despoblación: ColoRural 2020, III Coloquio Internacional de Geografía Rural

Éditorial: Grupo de Didáctica de la Geografía (AGE) ; Asociación Española de Geografía

ISBN: 978-84-947787-6-6

Année de publication: 2020

Pages: 449-468

Type: Chapitre d'ouvrage


Based on the territorial typology of the rural world established by Molinero (2019), The results obtained show, on the one hand, the importance of public actors, local corporations and non-profit associations such as LAGs in terms of projects, including investment, especially in less dynamic territories, although their importance is reduced as it increases. On the other, it highlights, in terms of investment, the role of legal entities in all territorial categories, ex- cept in deep rural areas. Among them, limited companies and cooperatives, es- sentially agrarian, stand out in the different typologies. Individuals, key actors in rural development, are more representative in terms of projects initiated than investment, as they are, among other reasons, the actors with the highest level of failed projects.