El portafolio digital como herramienta fundamental para el desarrollo y evaluación de competencias en los títulos de grado en educación

  1. Soledad de la Blanca de la Paz 1
  2. Elena Moreno Fuentes 1
  3. Mª Luisa Vázquez Pérez 1
  4. Paz Peña García 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Jaén

    Universidad de Jaén

    Jaén, España

    ROR https://ror.org/0122p5f64

Tecnologías emergentes y estilos de aprendizaje para la enseñanza
  1. Ruiz-Rey, Francisco José (coord.)
  2. Quero-Torres, Natalia (coord.)
  3. Cebrian-de-la-Serna, Manuel (coord.)
  4. Hernández-Hernández, Pedro (coord.)

Argitaletxea: Junta de Andalucía

ISBN: 978-84-09-16847-7

Argitalpen urtea: 2020

Orrialdeak: 79-88

Mota: Liburuko kapitulua


One way content-centered teaching is getting old-fashioned at university. It is necessary to transform structured knowledge, the teachercentred methodolody, the scarce interaction with others, to create new proposals that adjust to the development of proffesional competences on students. This chapter presents, in relation to the different methodological systems envisaged in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), a reflection on the use of information and communication technologies in Higher Education. More precisely, it focuses on gathering students' vision on the use of digital portfolios, as well as evaluating all the skills acquired through this ICT tool, at the University Center “SAFA” in Úbeda. After analysing the results, we found that students pinpoint the contribution of the portfolio (both digital and non-digital) to the acquisition of basic and general skills. Moreover, we also encountered statistically significant differences among the three comparison groups, resulting in a higher degree of acquisition of skills perceived in students who used advanced digital portfolio, compared to those groups using a mediumlevel digital portfolio and those not using a digital portfolio.