La ambigüedad de la política debolista: El comunismo hermenéutico vattimiano

  1. Félix Fernández Castaño
  2. Luis Fernando López García
Derecho y Cambio Social

ISSN: 2224-4131

Year of publication: 2016

Year: 13

Issue: 44

Type: Article

More publications in: Derecho y Cambio Social

Sustainable development goals


The present article has the purpose to explain the particularities of the Vattimo´s political exposition. We want to explore the Counterfactual Communism and also the Weak Thought Political to analyze if they are good options for the actual world. It´s important to know that Vattimo´s philosophy is a contradictory section of the contemporary context, so we will try to find the influence of contradictions in his political ideas. We want to demonstrate that it´s imposible to make a real liberation if we don´t work with an intercultural and universal truth; only if we can “build” the truth, we will feel a difference between violence and peace.