Aproximación a los componentes del voto catalán en las elecciones 2015-2017Un estudio exploratorio

  1. Fernández Castaño, Félix
  2. González Torrecillas, Julián
  3. García Moreno, José Manuel
Derecho y Cambio Social

ISSN: 2224-4131

Year of publication: 2018

Year: 15

Issue: 54

Pages: 1-42

Type: Article

More publications in: Derecho y Cambio Social

Sustainable development goals


In the work that we present below, we will approach from a quantitative perspective, a situation that has been on the agenda for a long time, giving rise to talk in the political landscape, more intensely in recent years; the Catalan political panorama, I focus on the Catalan Community and I will delve into key aspects of the vote in the elections along our young democracy, but with special emphasis on two of them, 2015 and 2017 I intend to explain which are the components that have influenced the decision of the vote in the voters taking into account the main theories of electoral behavior as well as the work done with this approach , in which we want to move away from the judgments of value and ignorance to focus on the objectives to be investigated for I am not going to dismember the parts of the Catalan vote component, but I do intend to give a methodological and informed view of t he current situation and start a deeper future investigation. Explain what is the relationship between the different parts of the political paranorama and the opinion of the voters to try to e x plain what their behavior is.