Actitudes y valores de los residentes de Medicina de Familia y Comunitaria: un modelo sanitario adaptado a los nuevos tiempos

  1. Galiano Coronil, Sergio
  2. Serrano del Rosal, Rafael
  3. García de Diego, José María
  4. Biedma Velázquez, Lourdes
  5. Ranchal Romero, Julia
Semergen: revista española de medicina de familia

ISSN: 1138-3593

Ano de publicación: 2013

Número: 1

Páxinas: 18-25

Tipo: Artigo


Outras publicacións en: Semergen: revista española de medicina de familia


Objective: To analyze the views that medical internal residents (MIR), who have chosen the specialty of family and community medicine (MFC), have about training and professional practice, and analyzing the differences in views between them and the rest of the MIR specialties. Material and methods: On-line survey with the medical residents who began their residential training period in Andalusia in 2008. A factorial analysis of principal components was conducted using the variables of opinion on professional and training issues and training in order to group them into meaningful dimensions, and then a ANOVA to see the differences between them. Results: Three dimensions, that summarize the MFC resident's opinions about their residential training, were obtained. MFC residents have a more positive view of the resident training system, and give more importance to the general aspects of medical practice. Conclusions: Health policies are currently positioned with the patient at the center of the system and emphasises not only the biological issues but also social issues (prevention, education, treating common diseases, and groups with major problems, etc.). According to the results, the MIR-MFC are more in line with these values, and this might be indicative of a better adaptation to this new culture of the system.