La protección del medio ambiente en Europa ante la sentencia del Tribunal Constitucional alemán de 24 de marzo de 2021

  1. Giacomo Palombino
  2. Juan Francisco Sánchez Barrilao
Revista de derecho constitucional europeo

ISSN: 1697-7890

Datum der Publikation: 2021

Titel der Ausgabe: Problemas constitucionales de la actividad jurisprudencial.

Nummer: 36

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Revista de derecho constitucional europeo


This paper analyzes the potential impact of the German Constitutional Court’s Judgment of 24 March 2021 on the protection of the environment in Europe. In this perspective, it begins by seeing how the environment has become the object of a constitutional protection in European law, both in the individual States and in the European Union, and especially during the last few years because of the process of environmental degradation and global warming. For this reason, the aforementioned Judgment of the German Court is worth studying, with particular attention to its references to science, to the guarantee of the rights of future generations and to the global implications of global warming and environmental protection. Finally, the paper points out the potential impact of the Judgment in European Law, in particular in relation to the principle of resilience, which has developed in the European Union against climate change.

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