Formación de maestras por implementación de secuencias en su propio contexto de aulared sistémica para el análisis de las entrevistas pre-post.

  1. Amat González, Ana 1
  2. Martínez-Chico, María 2
  3. Jiménez-Liso, María Rut 2
  1. 1 CEIP Andrés Manjón. Berja. Almería
  2. 2 Universidad de Almería

    Universidad de Almería

    Almería, España


RIFOP : Revista interuniversitaria de formación del profesorado: continuación de la antigua Revista de Escuelas Normales

ISSN: 0213-8646 2530-3791

Argitalpen urtea: 2022

Zenbakien izenburua: Formación del Profesorado en Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales

Alea: 36

Zenbakia: 97

Orrialdeak: 35-56

Mota: Artikulua

DOI: 10.47553/RIFOP.V97I36.1.91928 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDIGITUM editor

Beste argitalpen batzuk: RIFOP : Revista interuniversitaria de formación del profesorado: continuación de la antigua Revista de Escuelas Normales


In order to bring the gap between research in Science Education and teaching practice in Primary schools, we implemented short Model-Based Inquiry (MBI) instructional sequences in the classrooms of six Primary School Teachers. They were interviewed before and after the implementation to know both, their statements about their instruction when teaching science, and what they emphasize after observing our micro-sequence implementation with their own students. In this paper, we present an analysis tool (systemic network) that allows to compare what is described (before) and perceived (after) by the teachers, as well as to analyze the effect of the implementation of the MBI instructional sequence in their pedagogical content knowledge. The results show that most of the teachers recognize a transmissive science teaching mixed with experiments. The Primary School teachers interviewed noticed the importance of the question that makes sense the whole instructional sequence, the data collection analysis that conflicts the students’ personal ideas. The analysis, conclusions are unnoticed by the Primary Teachers as well as the assessment during the short MBI instructional sequence.

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