Análisis de biomarcadores en cáncer de próstata en tratamiento farmacológico

  1. Sánchez Conde, Victor
Supervised by:
  1. María Jesús Álvarez Cubero Co-director
  2. Fernando Vázquez Alonso Co-director

Defence university: Universidad de Granada

Fecha de defensa: 18 April 2022

  1. Marta Cuadros Celorrio Chair
  2. Mª Pilar Sánchez Medina Secretary
  3. Bernardo Herrera Imbroda Committee member
  4. Jose Luis Alvarez Ossorio Fernandez Committee member
  5. Rafael A. Medina-López Committee member

Type: Thesis


Finding genetic variants and expression alterations of miRNAs that can be used as biomarkers are the aim of this PhD. To achieve this objective, we started with a bioinformatic analysis in TCGA searching in the prostatic adenocarcinoma database for those genes or miRNAs most likely to be altered in patients with PC. Once this was done, variants and miRNAs that obtained important results in other studies published were added. All this concluded in a molecular study in which the IGF2 gene was chosen. IGF2 expression and its variants rs1004446, rs758164144, rs3842753 and rs3741211 were analysed. miR-93-5p, miR-210-3p, miR-592, miR-23c, miR-141, miR-375, miR-130b and miR-200-c were chosen for analysis.