Metodología de clase inversa con aprendizaje entre pares en una asignatura de programación orientada a objetos de primer curso. Resultados preliminares
- Juan Ruiz de Miras 1
- José-Ramón Balsas-Almagro 1
- Ángel-Luis García-Fernández 1
Universidad de Jaén
- Cánovas Reverte, Oscar (coord.)
- García Molina, Jesús Joaquín (coord.)
- López de Teruel Alcolea, Pedro Enrique (coord.)
- Ruiz Martínez, Antonio (coord.)
ISSN: 2531-0607
Year of publication: 2019
Issue Title: XXV Jornadas sobre la Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática, Murcia, 3-5 de julio de 2019
Issue: 4
Type: Article
More publications in: Actas de las Jornadas sobre la Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática (JENUI)
Sustainable development goals
For many years, the values of the academic indicators for the course Object-Oriented Programming taught at our university have been below the expectations. This provoked an increasing concern in the course teachers to implement new strategies to improve these results. The combination of flipped-classroom and peer instruction methodologies was implemented last academic year, and this study presents the prelim- nary results that have been obtained. Theory lectures were delivered using a flipped-classroom methodolo- gy, based on previous homework questionnaires and peer instruction in the classroom, assisted by the Socrative application. The values of the main aca- demic indicators, the degree of involvement in the course activities and the students’ feedback were collected and compared with the data from previous academic years. We have found significant differ- ences in the students’ academic results with respect to previous academic years (when traditional teaching methodologies were used). These preliminary results suggest that the application of the new methodology results in an improvement of the quality of the auton- omous work of the students, as well as their involve- ment in the lectures, and therefore their level of knowledge acquisition regarding the course. This preliminary analysis is to be extended with further comparison with the results of forthcoming academic years.