Herramientas de anotación de corpus de habla espontánea del Laboratorio de Lingüística Informática de la UAM

  1. Moreno Sandoval, Antonio
  2. Guirao Miras, José María
  3. Torre Toledano, Doroteo
Procesamiento del lenguaje natural

ISSN: 1135-5948

Year of publication: 2008

Issue: 41

Pages: 301-302

Type: Article

More publications in: Procesamiento del lenguaje natural

Sustainable development goals


We show a toolbox for linguistic annotation (including phonology, syllabification, part of speech, lemma and morphological features) especially adapted to Spanish spoken corpora. These tools have been developed and validated against several spontaneous speech corpora compiled by the Laboratorio de Lingüística Informática-UAM: C-ORAL-ROM, CHIEDE, CORLEC.