Strategies of teaching-learning for the students of social sciences

  1. Montero Alonso, Miguel Ángel
  2. Quesada Vázquez, Isabel
Investigación Operacional

ISSN: 0257-4306

Ano de publicación: 2011

Volume: 32

Número: 2

Páxinas: 179-187

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Investigación Operacional


With the next installation of the European Credits Transfer System (ECTS) and the European Space of Higher Education, the University cannot be limited to treat some contents in the squemas of studies of the subjects that they impart, but rather they must qualify the students to obtain of a series of abilities and competitions, which some of them are specific for each career and some generic or traverse. The students, independently of the different options studied at the high school from where they come, they start their university studies with a great ignorance of the mathematical language, for example, basic notions of statistic, economy or marketing and this hinders the communication among the professor, that cannot transmit the concepts and the student who don't understand them or even worse, they don´t learn them. The students show adaptation problem to study matters like Mathematics, Statistic or Economy, that make visible the narrow relationship which exists between this faulty formation and the first academic course, taking place, even in some situations, the abandonment of the university studies. This problem is not only our patrimony, but rather you can generalize to all the Spanish Universities and we are certain that it occupies and worries to the faculty's great sector. To improve the process of the students' teaching-learning we propose a methodology that, as far as possible, helps to place remedy to the learning difficulties and which includes, orientation to the pupil, tutorships´support, and besides, it also offers basic courses that offer them the levels adapted in different matters.