Pollentia Digitaluna aplicación interactiva sobre las excavaciones arqueológicas en la ciudad romana de Pollentia

  1. Cano Olivares, Pedro
  2. Orfila Pons, Margarita
  3. Montes Mellado, Antonio
  4. Turatti Guerrero, Rafael
Informática gráfica y patrimonio histórico: comunicaciones presentadas al I Simposium de Informática Gráfica y Patrimonio Histórico SIGPHI 2007 : 4 julio 2007, A Coruña
  1. Hernández-Ibáñez, Luis A. (ed. lit.)
  2. Flores González, Julian C. (ed. lit.)

Publisher: A Coruña : Mundos Digitales, 2007

ISBN: 978-84-690-8550-9

Year of publication: 2007

Pages: 43-52

Type: Book chapter


Pollentia Digital is a project to create a multimedia CD-Rom whose main goal is to present the Roman city of Pollentia in a clear way, pleasant and concise, without academic terms, but with scientific precision. For this interactive CD-Rom, virtual reconstructions of most significant architectonic vestiges of the city have been made, computer graphics have been used to show the building process of Roman cities, and different videos have been included to invite the visitor to a virtual room by the archaeological excavation and its monographic museum.