¿Cómo influyen los logotipos en las actitudes sociales hacia el paisaje de las áreas protegidas? Una aproximación al caso de los parques nacionales y naturales de España

  1. José Luis Serrano‐Montes
  2. Andrés Caballero‐Calvo
Naturaleza, territorio y ciudad en un mundo global

Publisher: Asociación de Geográfos Españoles

Year of publication: 2017

Pages: 2265-2274

Congress: Congreso de Geógrafos Españoles (25. 2017. Madrid)

Type: Conference paper


This research constitutes the first analysis of the influence of logos of National and Natural Parks of Spain on the social attitudes towards these areas. The role played by different elements present in the logos in the attractiveness of protected areas and in the support for conservation is explored through a questionnaire conducted with different groups of university students. The results reveal that there is a greater preference for protected areas whose logos include animals and lower predilection for those with patrimonial elements. Differences are also observed depending on the field of study of the analyzed groups of students. The results obtained suggest that a greater attention should be given to the role of these iconographic elements in the processes of protection and management of landscape.