Uso de escáner láser 3D para el registro del estado previo a la intervención de la Fuente de los Leones de La Alhambra

  1. Pedro Cano 1
  2. Francisco Lamolda
  3. Juan Carlos Torres 1
  4. Mª del Mar Villafranca
  1. 1 Universidad Granada
Virtual Archaeology Review

ISSN: 1989-9947

Année de publication: 2010

Volumen: 1

Número: 2

Pages: 89-94

Type: Article


D'autres publications dans: Virtual Archaeology Review

Objetivos de desarrollo sostenible


In the process of restoration and conservation of cultural heritage it’s necessary to use all available techniques that can contribute to a suitable knowledge of the process. In this paper we present the use of the 3D laser scanner for documenting the state of the Fuente de los Leones of the Alhambra, previous to the interventions of restoration that are being carried out at the moment. First, we present the classic techniques used for the graphical registry of the activities, describing how they have been used until now. Then, we describes the new process implanted with the use of the laser scanner, and show some results obtained. Finally, we describe some of the applications for which we plan to use the obtained models.

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