Un patrimonio documental entre la España de la posguerra y el México del exilioLos cuentos de Alberto Sánchez Mascuñán

  1. Mª Guadalupe Tolosa Sánchez
  2. Mª Luisa Hernández Ríos
Nuevas tendencias en investigación e innovación en didáctica de la historia, patrimonio cultural y memoria. Proyección educativa
  1. María de la Encarnación Cambil Hernández (coord.)
  2. Fabiana de Oliveira (coord.)
  3. Antonio Rafael Fernández Paradas (coord.)
  4. Guadalupe Romero-Sánchez (coord.)
  5. Adailson José Rui (coord.)

Editorial: Universidad de Granada

ISBN: 978-84-338-6766-7

Ano de publicación: 2020

Páxinas: 718-729

Tipo: Capítulo de libro


From stories written in prison by a former combatant in the Spanish Civil War exiled in Mexico, contrary to the winning side, the intention is to analyze the historicalpolitical content of the stories to place them within a crucial stage of Spain, as they were the postwar period and the exile, in addition to studying the subject related to the clandestine interior fight in the Spain devastated after the loss of the war on the part of the republican side With the aforementioned, the didactic proposal of this conference is, among other issues, to recover a national historical fact from the microhisotry, since the transcendence of historical knowledge allows the understanding of the Spanish present and recover the memory of the people; all based on what happened and lived specifically in the daily lives of political prisoners, who from the penitentiary confinement continued to fight in a joint manner, as a kind of teamwork, in the making of the stories themselves, with which the At the same time they claimed in a sublime and subtle way the true background of their life expectancy for the social welfare of their country. In this sense, we are interested in the recovery and awareness of the importance of historical documentary heritage and oral testimony, based on the methodology of oral history as a resource of teaching-learning. Likewise, we can confirm how documentary sources can become a bibliographic product that recovers a family patrimony through the facsimile publication of the stories, by the original recipient of those stories written by his father for her.