Un estudio de los textos referentes a los dientes en la época romana, desde los etruscos hasta la caída del Imperio Romano

  1. García Sola, María del Carmen
  2. Ceballos Salobreña, Alejandro
Florentia Iliberritana: Revista de estudios de Antigüedad Clásica

ISSN: 1131-8848

Year of publication: 1992

Issue: 3

Pages: 233-248

Type: Article

More publications in: Florentia Iliberritana: Revista de estudios de Antigüedad Clásica


With the present study we try to review the most relevant writers who, in some way, have focus on Dentistry. By this, we therefore want to achieve a particular vision on Dentistry in the Roman times, though it might be, somehow, a parcial one; in order to do this, we will pay more attention to what we may call the dental physiopatology: its constitution, diseases and treatment for the illness that may be derived from its bad condition.