La expresión gráfica en la Ingeniería y la geometría del Paisaje Cultural (Gpc). El Parque de La Vega de Granada.

  1. Delgado Olmos, Angel
  2. Olmo García, Juan Carlos
erph_: revista electrónica de patrimonio histórico

ISSN: 1988-7213

Year of publication: 2008

Issue: 3

Type: Article

More publications in: erph_: revista electrónica de patrimonio histórico


The �Vega de Granada� is an important cultural landscape, given its geographic configuration, its typology, its history and its great potential for the future. During the first middle of the twenty century this landscape has maintained its agricultural value, but, since this time, an urban oppression is happening over it, beating its heritage value. For the resolution of this aspect, and to give back this zone to the citizens, it has been proposed the creation of a great urban park on this localization.