Características dentoesqueléticas de una muestra maloclusiva de clase II y análisis de sus diferencias con respecto a las muestras oclusales ideales
- Menéndez Núñez, M.
- Carreño García, J.
- Travesí Gómez, J.
ISSN: 0210-1637
Year of publication: 1997
Volume: 37
Issue: 1
Pages: 38-48
Type: Article
More publications in: Ortodoncia española: Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Ortodoncia
The aim of this study is to define by lateral cephalometric radiographs, both anteroposterior and vertical positions of maxillary and mandibular bones, and denture position, in a class II malocclusive group, as compared with an ideal occlusive group. A study on 397 class II orthodontic patients (254 females and 153 males), by means of analysis of Ricketts, was carried out. The mean age of the group was 13.3 years. The sexual dimorfism, and the correlation with the age of all parameters, are analyzed. Significant differences in several parameters, between malocclussive and ideal occlusive groups were found. We found an anteroposterior normal position of the maxilla as the most frequent, and the existence of a high frequency of mandibular retrognathism. Our malocclusive group showed a dolichofacial pattern. The upper incisors showed proprotrusion and vestibuloversion. Aesthetically, the malocclussive group showed labial protrusion as compared to the ideal group. Sexual dimorphism was no evident except for some lineal measurements. Some parameters have shown a positive or negative correlation with age.