Descripción cefalométrica del Síndrome Maloclusivo de clase I en población española. Análisis de Ricketts. Parte I.

  1. Travesí Gómez, J. 1
  2. García Espona, J. 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Granada

    Universidad de Granada

    Granada, España


Revista CES Odontología

Year of publication: 1995

Volume: 8

Issue: 2

Pages: 166-173

Type: Article

Sustainable development goals


Ricketts analysis of cephalometric measurements of 511 Spanish patients (308 females and 203 males) with class 1 malocclusion with an average of 11.0 years of age (+/- 3.1) are presented.- Results indicate multiple statistical significant differences with respect to normal Ricketts analysis measurements. Clinically, the most relevant finding was the presence of a marked protrusion of the maxillary incisor.