Manifestaciones clínicas y cefalométricas de la mordida abierta en población maloclusiva de clase I
- J. I. García Espona
- M. Menéndez Núñez
- J. Travesí Gómez
ISSN: 0210-1637
Year of publication: 1994
Volume: 35
Issue: 5
Pages: 252-258
Type: Article
More publications in: Ortodoncia española: Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Ortodoncia
In this article we analyze the clinical and cephalometric characteristics that define the Spanish population with openbite. We studied 308 malocclusive class I females and 203 malocclusive class I males classified into two groups: without and with anterior and/or lateral openbite. The clinical valuation included the determination of oral habits and the variables overjet, overbite, deviation from dental midlines, lower intercanine distance, lower intermolar distance, depth of the Spee curve and lower and upper discrepancies. The cephalometric valuation was achieved by applying the Steiner and Ricketts analyses. The population with openbite expressed, with respect to the control group, high prevalence of mouthbreathing, infantile swallowing and posterior crossbites, and a more dolichofacial growth pattern with lower incisor protrusion and proclination.