Tambours sur la digue de Hélène Cixousla marioneta

  1. Gruia, Ioana
Literatura i espectacle
  1. Alemany Ferrer, Rafael (coord.)
  2. Chico-Rico, Francisco (coord.)

Publisher: Servicio de Publicaciones ; Universidad de Alicante / Universitat d'Alacant ; Sociedad Española de Literatura General y Comparada (SELGYC)

ISBN: 978-84-608-1239-5

Year of publication: 2012

Pages: 291-296

Congress: Sociedad Española de Literatura General y Comparada. Simposio (18. 2010. Alicante)

Type: Conference paper


This paper analyses the reflections of Hélène Cixous and, briefly, those of Ariane Mnouchkine on the puppet as related to the text, the play and the film of Tambours sur la digue. The main elements analysed are: the unfolding, the “being two” of the puppet; its parallelism with the writing; its function of exteriorizing what Cixous calls “the interior puppet”; the nakedness; the puppet’s capacity of revealing the fragility of the human being. The reflections of Cixous, the spectacle and also the film of Tambours sur la digue share these articulations.