Don Manuel Gutiérrez de la Conchaun general liberal en la España de Isabel II (Córdoba de Tucumán, Argentina: 3 de abril de 1808 - Monte Muro, Navarra: 27 de junio de 1874)

  1. Fernández Bastarreche, Fernando
Cilniana: Revista de la Asociación Cilniana para la Defensa y Difusión del Patrimonio Cultural

ISSN: 1575-6416

Année de publication: 2009

Número: 22-23

Pages: 117-126

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Cilniana: Revista de la Asociación Cilniana para la Defensa y Difusión del Patrimonio Cultural


The article frames the figure of general Manuel Gutiérrez de la Concha, first Marquis of the Duero, in the history of nineteenth-century Spain. Provides several clues to its military and political life, from dazzling promotion in the First Carlist War to the lifting of the siege of Bilbao and the Bourbon restoration attempt in the third war, frustrated by his death on the battlefield in June 1874. The author compares the biography of the Marquis of the Duero with those of the great swords of the time: Espartero, Narvaez, O�Donnell, Serrano and Prim, and the relationship with them comes their participation in the Moderate Party and the Liberal Union , which makes preside over the Senate for six consecutive terms. Based on their parliamentary interventions reflect on their responsibility when discussing public affairs, and their knowledge in areas that went beyond purely military