Investigación y artela investigación y la difusión desde la experiencia estética

  1. Díaz Bucero, Jesús
  2. Sánchez Pérez, María Dolores
Revista Sonda: Investigación y Docencia en Artes y Letras

ISSN: 2254-6073

Year of publication: 2013

Issue: 2

Pages: 85-100

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista Sonda: Investigación y Docencia en Artes y Letras


This article studies how research in Fine Art and the introduction of creativity in academic studies create conflicting ideas and debates that determine how to face phD thesis and research. The origin of these debates and ideas can be found somewhere between what unites the rational and the emotional knowledge. This paper presents our experience, positioning our point of view to show how this issue has been approached in our research. Our work presents a place where research in Fine Art can exist in as a mid point between reason and feeling; it is a mixture of both. We use Chantall Maillard´s aesthetic reason concepts of knowledge that allows the study of art through the experimentation of art itself. This paper shows the importance given to aesthetic experience in our research from three different points of view. These three points of view are related between them and they depend one on the other. The three points of view are: Communication from aesthetic experience (communicative capacity of art according to the abilities of the viewer); Research from the aesthetic experience (emotion and scientific research can be combined thanks to practical knowledge) and Scientific dissemination from aesthetic experience (dissemination through creation in academic research).

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