Vivencias educativas durante la Época Franquista en Zújar

  1. Martínez Heredia, Nazaret 1
  2. Bedmar Moreno, Matías 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Granada

    Universidad de Granada

    Granada, España


Revista de Paz y Conflictos

ISSN: 1988-7221

Year of publication: 2016

Volume: 9

Issue: 1

Pages: 237-259

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista de Paz y Conflictos


With the accomplishment of this research, the testimonies and the educational experiences during the Francoism in Zújar, placed in the northwestern part of the region, in the province of Granada, have been known. We analyzed four interviews in depth, using a qualitative methodology developing a biographical-narrative study. We obtained photos and images of objects of interest on the part of the interviewed that complete and complement the construction of the history of life and provide us a more complete vision of the object of study. The main results show us the difficulties in the education, big situations of illiteracy, epochs of shortage, and the precariousness of the educational system in Zújar. The intergenerational relations, the accomplishment of the interviews, as well as its literary transcription they have allowed us to know little by little the forms of life and the needs proceeding from an epoch marked by the Dictatorship. We detected the big differences, in the education and in the daily life between the current and the Francoist Spain. We conclude with the differences in the school and in the everyday life between the present time and the Francoism Spain. We must say that the construction of gender in that epoch was made showing the relationship between women and family, highlighting its role as an educator of children, to be the perfect woman and educated inside your home... foreground the existence of a curriculum aimed at girls, in which school subjects for women on household chores were held with the aim of teaching them to embroider, sewing... In the same way, the importance of the religion in schools, with the need to pray at the entry and exit of the school.

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