Riesgo de compromiso de la dignidad humana:relevancia en la práctica y formación enfermera

  1. Mª del Mar Alfaya Góngora 1
  2. Marta Linares Manrique 1
  3. Miguel Ángel Gallardo Vigil 2
  1. 1 Departamento Enfermería UGR, Facultad de Enfermería, Campus de Melilla (Melilla, España)
  2. 2 Departamento de Métodos de investigación y diagnóstico de educación UGR, Facultad de Educación y Humanidades, Campus de Melilla (Melilla, España)
Ética de los cuidados: Humanización en salud

ISSN: 1988-7973

Year of publication: 2018

Issue: 11

Type: Article

More publications in: Ética de los cuidados: Humanización en salud

Sustainable development goals


Objective: To determine the incident of the diagnostic Risk of deterioration of the human dignity in the Local Hospital of Melilla. Methods: Qualitative study based on an open interview and review of recorded observations, carried out at the Hospital Comarcal de Melilla. The data collection was made between September 15 and November 30, 2016. 95 patients have been part of the study and an accidental sample has been used, it has been part of the study. Inclusion criteria be over 18 years and have been hospitalized for more than 7 days; and exclusion in addition to not meeting the aforementioned criteria, having some type of cognitive problem and presenting difficulties in verbal communication. For the analysis of data, a system of codes and categories has been established and finally it has become percentages of appearance of the different nursing diagnoses, taking into account the proposal by the NANDA-I. Ethical and legal aspects: authorization has been requested to the hospital management and informed consent to study participants. Results: The distribution of participants in terms of the sex variable is 41 men and 54 women; in reference to age, it ranges between 18 and 91 years, 53.42 years being the average age, and, finally, as regards the religion they profess, the data show that 49 participants identify with the Islamic religion, 40 with the Christian, 1 with the Jewish and 5 claim not to practice or identify with any religion.100 % of the participants were presenting at least one of the factors of risk defined in the diagnostic. The factors of risk identified were: a insufficient comprehension of the information about the health (category information/knowledge) 37%, invasion of the intimacy / exhibition corporal/loss of control of the corporal functions (category intrusion/intimacy) 22 %, humiliation / treatment dehumanizing (category treatment) 30 % and experience limited in the decisions-making (category decisions-making) 11 %. Conclusions: An information and effective communication, aspects that concern the auto esteem as to allow the participation of the patient in the decisions making, to preserve the intimacy, and a appropriate treatment, will avoid that the human dignity is compromised in the process of illness and / or during the hospitalization.

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