Efectos de la práctica de Hatha-Vinyasa Yoga en la regulación autonómica y el dolor percibido de mujeres mayores que viven en alta latitud surun estudio piloto

  1. Oscar A. Niño-Méndez 2
  2. Cristian A. Núñez-Espinosa 13
  3. Eduardo Borguenson Barrientos 1
  4. Camila Vasquez Cancino 1
  5. Ruby Méndez Muñoz 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Magallanes

    Universidad de Magallanes

    Punta Arenas, Chile

    ROR https://ror.org/049784n50

  2. 2 Universidad de Cundinamarca

    Universidad de Cundinamarca

    Fusagasuga, Colombia

    ROR https://ror.org/040tqqd15

  3. 3 Chile State Universities Network on Aging
Retos: nuevas tendencias en educación física, deporte y recreación

ISSN: 1579-1726 1988-2041

Year of publication: 2021

Issue: 39

Pages: 718-722

Type: Article

DOI: 10.47197/RETOS.V0I39.81629 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

More publications in: Retos: nuevas tendencias en educación física, deporte y recreación

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The objective of this work was to know the effects of the practice of Hatha-vinyasayoga, in the autonomic regulation and the perceived pain of elderly women living in high southern latitude.Twenty women (age66±7) participated in this study. A group of ten women participated in 24 yoga sessions and a control group remained without any treatment. Heart Rate Variability was evaluated considering values of lnRMSSD(natural logarithm of the square of the mean root of RRintervals) and lnSDNN (natural logarithm of the standard deviation of RR intervals), the perception of pain (Catastrophism Scale before Pain; PCS), and blood pressure through MAP(MeanArterialPressure)andPP(PulsePressure),eachbeingmeasuredinfourstudytimes.Theresultsshowthattheautonomic assessment of lnRMSSD and lnSDNN is increased by the performance of Yoga at t3 and t4, and the perception of pain decreases at t4 when comparing both groups. Interestingly, these effects persist 30days after the exercise time has ended. In conclusion, the group that practiced Hatha-vinyasayoga decreased pain perception and improved autonomic regulation compared to the control group, being able to perceive its effect even 30 days after finishing thetreatment.

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