Análisis de referentes fraseológicos en el par de lenguas chino-españolel caso de los chengyu

  1. Alexandra Magdalena Mironesko
  2. José Manuel Pazos Bretaña
Language Design: Journal of Theoretical and Experimental Linguistics

ISSN: 1139-4218

Year of publication: 2020

Volume: 22

Pages: 23-35

Type: Article

More publications in: Language Design: Journal of Theoretical and Experimental Linguistics


Different languages can express the references to certain concepts in their phraseological ideology in different ways. In this contribution we intend to study this phenomenon in the Chinese-Spanish language pair using phraseological structures in both languages. We will illustrate this fact with the help of the units known as chengyu, which we will compare with paroemias and other units of the Spanish phraseological inventory, analyzing their similarities and referential universes, discussing the diversity, similarities and divergences of the imagery used in both cultures. For this purpose, we will analyze the cultural, linguistic and contextual value of the chengyu to make an approach to different phraseological units of Spanish, so that we can bring both languages closer together using these idiomatic expressions as a communication tool.

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