Revisiones sistemáticas en cinco pasosII Cómo identificar los estudios relevantes

  1. K.S. Khan 1
  2. A. Bueno-Cavanillas 1
  3. J. Zamora 2
  1. 1 Departamento de Medicina Preventiva y Salud Pública, Universidad de Granada, Granada, España
  2. 2 Unidad de Bioestadística Clínica, Hospital Ramón y Cajal, Madrid, España
Semergen: revista española de medicina de familia

ISSN: 1138-3593

Ano de publicación: 2022

Número: 6

Páxinas: 431-436

Tipo: Artigo


Outras publicacións en: Semergen: revista española de medicina de familia


This article focuses on the second step of a systematic review, i.e. how to identify relevant studies for the planned review. The search, using terms related to the questions framed in the previous step, should be comprehensive. However, it is important to establish selection criteria to include relevant studies and to exclude those that might present a risk of bias at this stage. Details such as broadening the spectrum of electronic databases consulted, avoiding restricting searches to a single language, managing references correctly, and recording decisions made throughout the process are winning factors for successful study identification.

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