Estado trófico y características morfométricas como factores reguladores de las tasas de sedimentación en embalses mediterráneos
- de Vicente, Inmaculada 1
- García-Bermúdez, Álvaro 1
- Cruz-Pizarro, Luis 1
Universidad de Granada
ISSN: 1134-2196
Year of publication: 2022
Volume: 26
Issue: 3
Pages: 173-183
Type: Article
More publications in: Ingeniería del agua
This work measures the sinking flux of dry weight (DW), C, N and P in the particulate material of six contrasting Mediterranean reservoirs to determine: (1) the relationships between DW, seston composition (C:N:P molar ratio),total phosphorus (PT), catchment area to reservoir area ratio (Ac:Ar) and sediment resuspension (dynamic ratio); (2) the relationship between the fraction of planktonic primary production that sinks from the trophic zone (export ratio) and the trophic state. Results showed positive but not significant relationships of DW with PT or dynamic ratio, but a significant and positive relationship between Ac:Ar and DW. Stoichiometric analysis of seston composition show great differences with Redfield ratio. Finally the export ratio and the trophic state show notsignificant although inverse relationship pointing, may be, that plankton communities in less eutrophic reservoirs are less efficient than those in more eutrophic ones in the retention of nutrients within the water column.
Funding information
Ministerio de Educación y Ciencias
- CICYT HID 99-0836
- CICYT REN2003-03038
- CGL2005-04070/HID y CGL2008-06101/BOS
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