Ante la incertidumbre, la formación entre pareslecciones de una estrategia de grupo emprendida por el profesorado de Sociología durante la pandemia

  1. Castillo-Eslava, Francisco 1
  2. Moldes-Anaya, Sergio 1
  3. Fuster, Nayla 1
  4. Sánchez, Mariano 1
  5. García de Diego, Jose María 1
  6. Baldán, Henar 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Granada

    Universidad de Granada

    Granada, España


Revista de Sociología de la Educación-RASE

ISSN: 2605-1923

Year of publication: 2022


Volume: 15

Issue: 3

Pages: 360-382

Type: Article

DOI: 10.7203/RASE.15.3.24592 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

More publications in: Revista de Sociología de la Educación-RASE

Sustainable development goals


The training offered to university teaching staff tends to be scant, voluntary and heavily oriented toward novice teachers. With the arrival of Covid-19 and the sudden switch to online teaching, training became an urgent need for teachers. In this context, some faculty members of the University of *anonimizado* created a multi-cohort faculty peer-training group for collaborative learning in multimodal teaching methods. This paper describes the initiative and analyses the impact of the training on participating faculty members. The authors used a mixed methods research strategy with a sequential approach. Results indicate that training action’s collaborative dynamics contributed to the general well-being of the participants, bringing about a reduction in their feelings of isolation, insecurity and lessening their perception that they lacked the skills required for the new situation. Also, intergenerational differences were detected in the effects the training had on more novice and more experienced teachers.

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