Innovation and investigationUse of icts in the fl classroom

  1. Antonio Daniel Juan Rubio 1
  2. Isabel María García Conesa 1
  1. 1 Universitat d'Alacant

    Universitat d'Alacant

    Alicante, España


I Congreso Internacional de Innovación Docente. CIID: Cartagena 6, 7 y 8 de julio de 2011

Éditorial: Cartagena, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, D.L. 2011

ISBN: 978-84-694-5332-2

Année de publication: 2011

Pages: 83-98

Congreso: Congreso Internacional de Innovación Docente del Campus de Excelencia Internacional "Mare Nostrum" (CIID) (1. 2011. Cartagena)

Type: Communication dans un congrès


Teachers are nowadays experiencing important changes, whether they have already turned into reality or not, in thedaily classroom work in most of our school centres due to the progressive establishment and incorporation of ICTS.These allow the development of new didactic materials of an electronic nature which use varied and different standingsfor its carrying into practice. These new standings of information, beyond their own peculiarities and technical requirements, generate a hugecommunicative innovation provoking as such new settings of collaborative learning process. Besides, a FL classroomcould not, and hence should not, stay away from such changes.With the scope of getting used to the needs of the actual society of knowledge, the Spanish compulsory educationsystem in all its areas of knowledge, and by extension the whole scholar network, must develop new ways of integratingthe new information and communication technologies in its daily teaching practice.It is also advisable, at the same time, a change of mentality so as to face the traditional roles assumed by bothteachers and students in the compulsory stages. This is mainly reflected in the proper channels of communication aswell as in the design of new methodologies and teaching practices.The aim of this article is to set the role of the modern FL teacher when facing the massive use of ICTs in theteaching-learning process as well as all the resources at their disposal for their didactic exploitation. We will mainlyfocus our attention in those specific cases of FL teachers and the wide range of resources which they can make use of.Henceforth, we will deepen in this article the need to get used to the new methodological tendencies and thepossibilities that the use of ICTs allows us in our daily classroom practice. We will also enumerate some practicalmethodological orientations so as to be able to face them in a serious, determined, organized, and structured way.