La formación inicial de los egresados de la licenciatura en Educación Básica del Instituto Superior de Formación Docente Salomé Ureña

  1. Nieves Gil, Johnny Francisco
Dirigida per:
  1. María Begoña Alfageme González Director/a
  2. Juan Manuel Escudero Muñoz Director/a

Universitat de defensa: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 28 de de gener de 2016

  1. Juan de Pablos Pons President/a
  2. María Teresa González González Secretari/ària
  3. María Pilar Colás Bravo Vocal

Tipus: Tesi


Abstract This research, whose main topic is teachers' initial training, aims to determine the assessment from Salome Urena Higher Institute of Teaching Training (ISFODOSU for its name in Spanish) Bachelor in Primary Education alumni of the training they received, as well as their views on the structure and implementation of the completed curricula. The theoretical framework contained in the teacher training subject, lays the foundations for the dimensions with which the issues (Curriculum, initial training, teaching practice and alumni's rating) are addressed. The solution to the research problem is made through the general objective: to analyze, value and make improvement proposals on ISFODOSU Bachelor in Primary Education students' initial training, according with alumni's opinions on curriculum structure and implementation. In this regard, the specific objectives are: 1. To analyze and value alumni opinions regarding initial training orientation and focus, content and used methodology, as well as the degree in which, according to them, they mastered the skills required in their profession. 2. To document possible differences or similarities among alumni's opinions in terms of school place, class and other factors related to their motivation before becoming a teacher. 3. To analyze early training opinions acquired and their contribution to teaching performance, once they entered the profession. 4. Make recommendations both to ISFODOSU as well as to the Ministry of Education, according to results' analysis conclusions which can be relevant and to the point in improving the link between initial training and teaching performance. Methodology: This is a mixed evaluation which uses both quantitative as well as qualitative method. It is also cross cutting, descriptive, explanatory and with a prospective approach. The target population is the ISFODOSU alumni from the Felix Evaristo Mejia and Urania Montas school compounds, classes of 2003 through 2011, with a minimum of three years of professional exercise, after obtaining their diploma. Work is carried out with a sample of 561 alumni selected through purposeful selection technique using questionnaire, focus groups and in-depth interviews techniques. The results provide answers to the problem and show that the goals have been achieved, through the conclusions summarized as follows: In general, most of the alumni provide a high rating to the initial education received, according to the following: Curriculum: rated as excellent, very good, comprehensive, complete and accurate. Initial Training: They say they agree with skills and training received. They agree that teacher training possible deficiencies have to do with academic conditions with which students start the career. Teaching practice: they consider it adequate. In terms of in-depth interviews and focal groups they add that the training is grueling. Alumni rating: they express that teachers' initial training is promoted in classrooms as an important activity for the region's educational, social and economic development. They show satisfaction at choosing teaching as their career and the same amount of approval is expressed about the working conditions found. And, in a lesser grade, some of them point out some areas that need improvement, particularly salaries. The research results also show areas of improvement. In that sense, recommendations are made.